Embrace Your Scars

Embrace Your Scars_a blog by KayLa's Positivity Corner by Dr. KayLa N. Allen

No matter what you face in life, there will be countless situations, circumstances, and lessons that will bring forth scars. When times are difficult and you find yourself feeling sad, disappointed, frustrated, and at your wit’s ends, remember that scars that may come about will hold a world of lessons.

Embracing your scars that are gained from life lessons will alter the way that you live day to day. Sometimes it may seem easier to hide your scars or cover them, and it is your decision to do so. However, even if you hide them from others, you must still embrace them for your own good.

Life can be such a pain, every day. I know that when I am facing a difficult task or having to make a decision that is hard, I have to embrace every part of it. The only way that we can grow is by navigating the waters that we face.

If embracing your scars means that you have to wear a bandage, stand strong, and share what is the source of your scars when you want to, please do so.

We all have scars from something and when they are re-opened it is so difficult to recover, but not impossible. Think of embracing your scars as giving yourself a warm embrace when the scars come to the forefront of your mind.

A scar comes from a source of hurt, but sometimes the things that hurt us can change our lives in the greatest ways possible.

If you run from what has made you who you are, are you really becoming who you are called to be? OR Are you becoming who the world wants you to be?

Think about wearing a mask that covers your entire face; when you do this you are showing what you want someone to see. You are challenging your identity for what may look or be received in a better light. The truth of your identity is waiting to be released if only you are willing to take the good and “bad” of your life and alter how you perceive it. You owe yourself strength and that can come from all that you have learned the hard way.

Embrace what makes you who you are, don’t stray away. It is my hope that you take what was made to try and break you and turn that into a great achievement in your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

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