This year, let’s focus on gaining clarity in our individual spaces of personal evolution. This evolution can come through education, work, life experiences and your willingness to “level-up”. You must choose to take the journey. Let’s get started and become all we are called to be.
As you begin this year of clarity (#2020clarityyear), keep in mind that how you find success, joy, and prosperity, is up to you. Clarity is more than a word of thought. Clarity has meaning, depth, truth, and wisdom in it for those who diligently seek it.
Take to pen and paper, and let’s think about at least one thing that we will achieve this year. Create a memory that you can hold onto this entire year. You can do this by feeling how you will when you achieve the goal that you are aiming for. Know that it is coming if you are going to work for it.
Be truthful and understand what could physically or mentally block you from “winning”. Put on your strength, because you will have much to overcome. Take courage and be ready to welcome growth and personal evolution.
Connect the dots to see things clearly.
All Clear? Ready to evolve? Good deal. 🙂
Fear and struggle reside in the past. Visions, prosperity, and clarity begin now.
External Readings to Complement This Reading:
Common Reading: https://chopra.com/articles/ from-hazy-to-clear-how-to- gain-clarity-about-your-life
Psychology Reference: https://positivepsychology. com/benefits-goal-setting/
Scholarly Article: https://link.springer.com/ article/10.1007/s13164-017- 0375-y
This year, let’s focus on gaining clarity in our individual spaces of personal evolution. This evolution can come through education, work, life experiences and your willingness to “level-up”. You must choose to take the journey. Let’s get started and become all we are called to be.
As you begin this year of clarity (#2020clarityyear), keep in mind that how you find success, joy, and prosperity, is up to you. Clarity is more than a word of thought. Clarity has meaning, depth, truth, and wisdom in it for those who diligently seek it.
Take to pen and paper, and let’s think about at least one thing that we will achieve this year. Create a memory that you can hold onto this entire year. You can do this by feeling how you will when you achieve the goal that you are aiming for. Know that it is coming if you are going to work for it.
Be truthful and understand what could physically or mentally block you from “winning”. Put on your strength, because you will have much to overcome. Take courage and be ready to welcome growth and personal evolution.
Connect the dots to see things clearly.
All Clear? Ready to evolve? Good deal. 🙂
Fear and struggle reside in the past. Visions, prosperity, and clarity begin now.
External Readings to Complement This Reading:
Common Reading: https://chopra.com/articles/
Psychology Reference: https://positivepsychology.
Scholarly Article: https://link.springer.com/
Bible Verses:
Psalms 20:4
Spiritual Thoughts: You don’t have to be alone in your journey to find clarity and success in your evolution. Speak to your creator often. Pray and meditate in your silence. Ask for patience as you navigate through life.
Be blessed and be at peace.
