KayLa's Positivity Corner by: Dr. KayLa N. Allen

Dr. KayLa utilizes multiple spaces and platforms to share messages that have the power to encourage internal empowerment, personal transformation, and the ability to become the next version of oneself. A holistic method of transformation is key for individuals to not only seek success and prosperity but to also walk in their purpose and develop higher levels of overall well-being. Throughout many of her positivity and empowerment writings, you will find elements of the law of attraction, self-care, and resilience.
KayLa's Positivity Corner:
Empowerment Blogs/Articles Centered on
Personal & Professional Transformation

R – Relieve Your Pain
©KayLaN.Allen Let’s chat about the hard days and moments. Fill in your own answers… How many times have you cried yourself to sleep? How many

Q – Quietness Matters
©KayLaN.Allen When you are trying to tackle any task from cooking to developing in your career, you can understand how difficult it is to function

P- Painting Your Picture
©KayLaN.Allen Even if you know absolutely nothing about painting, you can acknowledge and understand the importance of starting with a blank canvas. Whatever you face

O – Ocean Waves Of Your Life
©KayLaN.Allen Nature is beyond grand and I will tell anyone that “God is my favorite artist”. Think about the crashing of waves, and the rise

N – No Longer a Victim
©KayLaN.Allen Whether you are the person that lost yourself, faced brokenness, lost your voice, were beaten, were molested, faced assault of any kind, face being

M- Meditate to Mediate
©KayLaN.Allen When you are panning through different areas of concern in your life or trying to understand how to get from one level to the
Devising a plan for top-down or interprofessional leadership changes requires awareness, limited bias, and a willingness to continuously grow as an individual. Dr. KayLa, in many capacities and spaces, shares messages on leadership in healthcare/healthcare administration and from a personal development perspective. Check out more about her leadership messages via LinkedIn.

Dr. KayLa shares blogs and quotes via “KayLa’s Positivity Corner”, empowering and thought-provoking letters via “Dear Mixed Girl” (online, through personalized, handwritten mail, and via YouTube), and vlogs on upper-level education, effective leadership, and personal development via “Becoming Dr. KayLa” on YoutTube and on socials, many online articles and through speaking engagements. Check out the Dr. KayLa N. Allen YouTube channel and begin to create a change in your thought processes.

*If you are looking for more Dear Mixed Girl letters you can find them and more information about the connected coaching program here.
The #DEARMIXEDGIRL letters are unique in that they come from Dr. KayLa’s personal experience and shared wisdom from her life as a “mixed” girl. The letters are produced to shed light on the experience of girls, young ladies, and women who navigate through life with an identity that is not always understood, welcomed, identified, or respected. If you are looking for a unique perspective and reading/learning experience in women’s empowerment, you have found it.
Every girl/woman from a multicultural background goes through life learning about, understanding, and appreciating who they are in their time. Whether in healthcare/business settings, educational spaces, or social environments, every person (at some level) wants to belong. Knowing that someone understands your walk can be life-changing, life-saving, and empowering. #DEARMIXEDGIRL letters via KayLa's Positivity Corner are to empower uniqueness and wonder, and share a special light in the life of females who are mixed, biracial and or multiracial.
- Dr. KayLa N. Allen

These empowerment blogs and messages inspiring change are seeds of growth for the receivers’ mental garden. When individuals seek to evolve, there are never enough external resources to help one do so at the level and depth that is necessary for sustainability. It is essential that everyone finds a way to appreciate their internal journey through life while empowering themselves. These messages present embedded nuggets of wisdom and countless takeaways when you seek them and are in-tune with yourself. Dr. KayLa diligently aims for these sources of shared wisdom to help every reader, viewer, receiver, and client find how they can become their own key to positivity and empowerment. Use these messages and connect back through one of Dr. KayLa’s coaching programs to co-create the life that you want to have starting now.
Are you ready to start changing your life from the inside out? Check out Dr. KayLa’s coaching services by clicking the button below and LEVEL UP!