How many times have you started thinking about something new or interesting that you wanted to do? Plenty of times, right?
I can guarantee that you have second-guessed or questioned a next step several times before.
Where your curiosity should rise is when you think about this question:
What do you do when you go into that second-guessing mode?
Do you feel like there is a little voice inside of your head when you are making decision?
You have the choice to listen to it or not.
Well, what if you knew without a doubt that the voice inside of your head was a gift from the Universe, a blessing or stop sign from God, or truly your intuition warning you or preparing you?
Would you listen then? If so, why not start listening now?
For every turn on the road that you travel you have decisions to make:
Left, right, up, down, stop, go, fight, run, and much more.
The key in hearing the voice or questioning the thought is CHOOSING to pay attention.
Your intuition is truly a source of guidance. Often people fail to stop negative things from happening, miss the cues, or ignore red flags because they think that the little voice inside of their mind may not be worth listening to. Other times we overly think or brush off intuition because we think that we have it all under control.
You should try to use your intuition as your guidance; this is key in making wise decisions. It can open new places, spaces, opportunities, and galaxies for you. You deserve the best, so think before reacting and make the most of your decisions.
Your future should be well-thought out and that plan starts with you.
When you think about what you want it life, it takes steps. Start with a thought or dream, plan with clear logic, and hope for the future. This way, if something comes up and your path is deterred you can use your intuition to shape things the way you want them to go.
If we can depend on our phones for directions, why do we need to have an audience of opinions to arrive at an answer? Before you run to other people- sit still, meditate, pray, and think about how you should address any situation. After all, you are the one that has to live your life.
Proverbs 2:6-7
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright…”. Wouldn’t it be foolish to ignore that voice if it could be directly sent from God. He teaches in the quiet and observes in the noise; now that you know this and what you are being granted, take advantage of what intuition may be showing you or saying to you…it may save you.
If the Universe is delivering you tools for your mental toolbox choose wisely as it could make or break the foundation of your future building. Pay attention.
Job 38:36
“Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? Or hath given understanding to the heart?” God gives you the gift of lessons, blessings, miracles, provisions, intuition and clarity every day. The best way to thank Him is to cherish those gifts and use them for your life and the greater good.
***Health Spotlight*** Indoor Air Pollutants
-No, this isn’t my typical route of discussing topics in epidemiology and public health, but this is very important.-
Researched via WHO and EPA
What are indoor air pollutants? Particles in the air from diesel, dust, smoke, indoor formaldehyde (ever read the ingredients on your finger nail polish/remover ladies?), household odors from painting cooking, pesticides, cleaning, products used in hobbies, smoking, excess moisture, ozone, and carbon dioxide just to name a few.
Symptoms/Effects: Short-term- headaches, eye irritation, dizziness, fatigue, and cold-like symptoms; everyone is affected differently, but you need to be aware of what you and/or your family members could be faced with. Long-term- possibilities of respiratory illnesses or heart disease; there can be fatal circumstances as well.
You are in control of what you do when your intuition says that something is off with your body or that of your child/significant other. If you feel ill, take note of it and do what is necessary to get the help you need. If you are using anything in your home that may be damaging to your body, perhaps you should take some time and look into alternatives.
Take care of yourself and your neighbors, we all need each other to live our best lives.
Be blessed and be at peace.
Be blessed and be at peace.

*Empowerment, God, Intuition, Guidance, Holy Spirit, Bible, Law of Attraction, Public Health, Epidemiology, Mental Health, Doubt, Goals, Holistic Health , Voice, Wisdom*