We often get caught up in our own webs, visions, and plans; becoming entangled in these spaces is not necessarily a good thing. When we choose to think about a path that we have set forth for ourselves, we subconsciously block opportunities for other (better for us) outcomes to come forth.
Rolling through the “if I could”, and “I wish I could” phases in our lives can blind us and bring shadows in front of us. When this happens we can not see some of the amazing things that are happening right in front of our faces.
As difficult as it may seem, sometimes you just have to allow life to happen. Those difficult times that we encounter and those trying storms that we endure can simply happen. We are regular people living regular lives no matter what our bank accounts say, and because of this we have to remember that life happens.
When we are able to realize that our sense of perfect timing is not actually perfect, and God’s divine timing is essential for our lives we revamp our opportunities and we challenge the way that we see the world.
Allowing life to happen does not mean that we sit back and watch things fall apart but it does mean that things can happen and we are not always in control.
You must learn to accept that things are not going to always happen the way that you want them to. You will not always be in control. There will always be people and circumstances that come about that may not seem to be in line with your vision, and that’s okay.
In every part of your life there’s a reason and a season. In every part of your life, there is a reason for the journey that you’re taking. In every part of your life, there are new mercies and opportunities. In every part of your life, there will be good and bad days. In every part of your life, as long as there’s breath in your body there is an opportunity for better days.
Oh, those dark days can seem so difficult… but remember that last storm that you made it past? Hold strong, allow God’s plan to work itself, it’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to be worried. It’s okay to have moments of anger. It’s okay to have fear about what is coming in the future. It’s okay to be sad at times.
Proverbs 13:12
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Even if you have moments when the rain of your storm blocks your vision, do whatever you can to capture a glimpse of your rainbow.
I say all this to say whenever a storm is raining directly over your head get your rain gear, suit up and be prepared to endure the store. There is a reason that you go through storms and it is not your job to understand the how, the when and the why. It is, however, your job to keep pushing forward no matter what you face.
Allow the good to come and the bad to exit. Allow change and evolution to occur in your life. Allow people to leave if they want to leave. On the same token, don’t try to force things to stay when really it is time for them to go.
Often times you can’t see the direction that God is going and that’s alright too. As long as you continue to take steps forward, continue climbing, and continue reaching for those stars, you’re on the right path. Try to think deeply: the universe is activating steps and plans for you- imagine what would happen if you continued to block yourself from greatness because of pride or needing to have control over everything.
1 Peter 2:15 “For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.
Not all advice is sound advice. Sometimes advice that comes from people that you “respect” is not the advice that is for you to hear. Use your knowledge, wisdom, and experiences to make sound decisions for your life. Don’t allow what someone else thinks is best for you to overtake your judgment. This may mean if someone says, maybe you should just wait to do something, maybe actually you should be taking steps instead of sitting still.
Sometimes you will have to think outside of the box, and that’s a good thing. No matter what you do, allow life to happen; allow mistakes to occur.
You deserve to lead a life of happiness, success, pure joy, peace, wonder, adventure, and love; these are not things that someone can make you have- you find these things inside of you.
Be blessed and at peace.
***Health Spotlight*** Adenovirus
Symptoms: cold-like symptoms, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea and pink eye
Spread of Infection: personal contact, air droplets, touching surfaces then touching mouth, nose, or eyes
Prevention: wash hands with soap and water, cover mouth when coughing or sneezing, avoid contact with others when ill, do not sharing drinking glasses or eating utensils, avoid kissing.
Prevalence: there is no exact prevalence as it can vary
Treatment: no specific treatment as most infections as mild
-Seek help when you need it, help your fellow neighbor, know that people care about your well-being.