So many people pray for things that they want in life. We often create vision boards and even become chatty about that which we hope for. Have you ever thought about what you want and how it is going to happen?
If you have ever prayed and then said “If God is willing”, then you may be missing opportunities. If you have ever taken one step and then told yourself that you have done all that you can, you are probably not valuing all that you are capable of. That which you want for your life can be yours with a vision, actions, and true preparation.
“Ask and ye shall receive” is much more than a phrase or concept. You have to understand that you cannot simply ask for something. You cannot simply put some detailed vision on a board and expect it to pop off and become your wildest dream.
A dream and vision are a part of your greater plan. Every year, I evolve my vision board and greatly appreciate all that I have accomplished. With the achievements come the bumps and bruises, but it is all worth it.
Last year I found myself wanting things that I was not yet equipped for. I was bound by a space and time, and it wasn’t until I was rid of it that I was able to set myself free and get fully prepared for what is a part of my destiny.
If you are not ready, but you are asking for bigger and better, you will not be able to receive what you need to succeed and still manage it well.
Being prepared for success is a mindset, lifestyle, and evolved set of circumstances. Do you think that you are truly prepared for what you dream of? If so, take inventory on your life and really think about that answer in depth.
I guarantee that if you have come from a place of lack, have experienced trauma, have experienced brokenness, currently are struggling, or you have endured life as it is instead of challenging it with an equipped and competent mind, you have some more work to do. This is nothing against you – remember I have been through all of that and then some, and I am still climbing the ladder before me.
Treat your experiences as wisdom, keep watering your mental garden, and equip yourself with Dr. KayLa N. Allen as your transformation coach. She can help you evolve your life inside and out so that the next time that you “ask” you will be all the more prepared to receive.
Be blessed and be at peace.
KayLa’s Positivity Corner
Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a doctoral candidate, motivational speaker at the national level, thought leader, transformational coach, and expert on shaping thriving futures.