Who am I?
Here Is The Reflection Of My Core:
I AM an unbounded, changeless self.
I AM love of myself.
I AM the love of and for my family.
I AM a source of love for anyone that I come in contact with.
I AM passionate.
I AM intelligent.
I AM relentless.
I AM unbreakable.
I AM a challenger.
I AM a truth-seeker.
I AM a writer.
I AM a being filled with the love of the Lord.
I AM a strong woman.
I AM courageous.
I AM empowered and empowering.
I AM a gift and gifted.
I AM a woman who laughs when you think your “no” hurts me or holds undue power in business. #youcanttellmeno
I AM unique.
I AM evolutionary.
I AM God’s purpose-filled, beautiful creation.
I am exactly who God says I am. I define myself, not my enemies and surely not those who used to know me.
When you can take ownership of who you are, you are granted your truth and internal freedom.
We define our present and future in this moment and every other one to follow.
So…Who am I?
My name is KayLa N. Allen. I am a DV and IPV survivor turned warrior. I’m a soon to be published author. I’m an MPH graduate (graduated early 2019 with high distinction – 4.0 GPA). I’m a soon to be a post-masters graduate (certification in epidemiologist). I am a doctoral student and a thriver. I’m a *grrrl! I’m a curly girl living in my natural beauty internally and externally. I’m a woman that may seem quiet, but my pen and my passion speak on a megaphone. I’m an empowerment blogger and writer. I’m a life after dv program founder and leader. I’m the Director of Operations at Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence (#btsadv breakthesilencedv.org). I’m a speaker and workshop leader/educator. I’m a follower of Christ and child of God. I’m worthy of respect. You’ll soon call me Dr. Allen…. it’s nice to meet you *insert your title or name* You and I are full of awesomeness! 🙂
Be blessed and be at peace.