When we struggle, and it seems like there is nothing more than we can do, that is when we must start to look inside of ourselves and think outside of the box.
The first step is to truly evaluate your circumstances. Look at what you are dealing with and face it head on. You arrived there for a reason and because of something, and now it is time to learn from it.
The second thing to do is think clearly. A clouded mind will not help you, nor will a mind that is prepared to blame others for your circumstances/situation.
The third thing that you must do and always remember how to do it is to only tackle one thing at a time. The quickest way to get overwhelmed is to allow multiple missions, areas of confusion, and goals to get jumbled in your mind. Handle your financial issues one step at a time. Ask for help. There are people that can help you and no not everyone does not need to know your business. Keep in mind, people are not responsible for fixing your problems, either.
The fourth thing to do is deeply think and write down your goals (short-term and long-term). You cannot get where you want to go if you do not know where you are going.
The fifth and ongoing step is to get ready and be prepared for the good and bad things that may come your way. This does not mean that you need to become a master of worrying, rather you need to be a master of your mind, peace, and happiness.
The problem that most people face is the “woe is me” syndrome. You must do what it takes to see beyond the fog in your life and in your mind. Sure money can get low, but please do not speak it into your life over and over again by talking about how little money you have.
Your baby steps count. In fact the only steps that don’t count and don’t lead to anywhere are the ones that you do not take.
If you are limited financially, find ways to multiply your income. Go back to school, get a trade, follow your true passion, etc. Work smarter. However you choose to do it is up to you…just do not sit idly having your personal pity party for too long.
Invest in yourself, your future, and your family. Every piece of the puzzle is valuable.
A seed eventually becomes a full bloom, and each step is crucial in its development.
God is on your side and there is plenty of room for growth and plenty of prosperity to go around.
Deuteronomy 8:18
“But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who give you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors”. There is an inheritance and prosperity over your life. You are responsible for seeking wisdom, creating change, and evolving. Live in your purpose, work hard to break down financial barrier walls, and then you will see that you can still have it all. Speak out into the universe what you want, take the time to meditate and visualize daily; put in the work and watch how things turn out. Seek mentorship and wise counsel, and don’t you dare give up if someone doesn’t do what they said that they would do to help you; hold yourself accountable, brush off the negativity, and keep climbing!
Phillippians 4:19
“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all of your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” God will move mountains, open doors, and bridge gaps for you in absolute perfection. Please remember that you must also put in an effort and keep your faith; sitting still and waiting for a miracle to occur without creating changes, being prayerful, and meditating on all that you want for your life will not get you the results that you want. Think progressively; forward thinking is mandatory for your growth and to help you get out of financial hardships.
No more saying “I can’t”. You can…How much do you want it?
Be blessed and be at peace.
***Health Spotlight***
Botulism is a condition/illness that can be lethal if not addressed quickly. This can be contracted via the disease process starting in the reservoir of soil or water that leads to the mode of transmission in inhaling spores, improper canning of food, preserved food, and fermented food; be very mindful and cautious of what you consume and what you are exposed to. Spores can grow in acid, sugar, salt, water, low-oxygen and certain temperatures (CDC). Some symptoms include fatigue, weakness, blurred vision, dry mouth, and difficulty in swallowing; this illness can be characterized by paralysis and could lead to respiratory failure. Analysis via lab or genetic testing are necessary to isolate C. botulinum. Incubation period can range from 12-72 hours depending on the dose of toxin and the type of botulism. Person to person transmission does not happen (WHO). Although botulism is rare it is important to remember that during cooking or preparing food to be clean, separate food that is cooked from that which is not cooked, cook thoroughly to appropriate temperatures, store food at proper temperature, and use safe and clean drinking water and raw materials. Be mindful of what you eat, take care of yourself and your families. As always, seek the help of a physician if you need are experiencing any significant changes in your body.