Personal Evolution Matters
This moment is important as was every moment that came before it. Now is your moment to prepare to reach your next level. Think about the most important goals for you, and be “selfish” about it. It won’t be easy, nor will any of the steps that you take, but you can be sure that building a solid foundation for permanent/life altering evolution will positively impact your life and all around you.
- Read deeper: “The 6 stages of behavior change”
Let’s Change Our Plans
Resolutions set for a new year tend to fade in a short time. It’s time that we shift from that to setting and maintaining a plan for life evolution(s).
- Read deeper: “Why behavior change is hard – and why you should keep trying”
edu/mind-and-mood/why- behavior-change-is-hard-and- why-you-should-keep-trying
Why Plan?
Plan wisely, make reasonable action steps, and consider why your mission/reaching your goals are important. That which is good and can gift others in the process will flourish even when it comes up against others or negativity. Create and embed your next journey/source of life evolution with compassion, curiosity, eagerness, truth, and the willingness to “fight” for what you want and deserve.
- Read deeper (English/Spanish scholarly content): “Systematic review about personal growth initiative”
Bible Check-In:
Colossians 3:23-24
Proverbs 14:23
My greatest life evolution(s) have been difficult, but worth it; expect the same and greater for yourself. 2020 will be full of prosperity, and it will be the #2020clarityyear for me. What will your life evolution(s) bring to you?
Be blessed and be at peace.