Wouldn’t it be nice if we could laugh at our fears? What if you could challenge your fears and entertain them at the same time?
Beyond fears is a realm of clarity, success, peace, and understanding unlike anything other. Many times we fail to move beyond our fear because we are unwilling to challenge them. Taking the time to address your fears and entertain them with your own method of awareness and clarity may be exactly what you need to reach the next level of your life.
When you are feeling fearful, be mindful of what that means? Journey through the fears and explore them. Treat the time that you do this as if you are entertaining them just to understand why they may be present.
Curiosity in yourself can lead to elements of truth, rejuvenation, and openness if you are willing to remain in this space even when things get difficult.
Entertaining your fears doesn’t mean that you give in to them, rather you give in to yourself so that you can learn something deeper about yourself, reflect, and empower yourself to make the most out of every moment in your life.
Entertain your fears, give them a dim light, and understand them; you’ll soon find out that they are there to help you grow.
A fear of darkness when entertained and challenged may become the very light that you need to grow.
Bible & Spiritual Connection
Isaiah 41:10 & Joshua 1:9
You are not alone in your fears and you do not have to overcome them alone. This journey through life is a challenge, but with a focus on God and the reason for your path, you can lean on new understanding and thrive in the life that you build.
Be blessed and be at peace.