International Women’s Day 2019


Today is a day to acknowledge, appreciate, applaud, and be thankful for all of the women in the world that are making a difference and changing the world!

Today is a day to take a deeper look into your mirror and understand your worthiness.

Look at how far you’ve come!
Look at all you’ve accomplished!
Remember when you thought you’d never get this far?
Remember when you were feeling hopeless, lonely, empty, broken, etc. – you’ve made it far beyond that dry place!

Girl, let me tell you, your steps (big or small) are so important!

Feeling Empowered Yet?

Just in case it’s no, let me give several bouquets of flowers!

You are worthy! Your fight is/was worth it! Divine timing has brought you to this point. Everything may not be perfect now, but I can assure you that fabulous days, smiling moments, and days that you can be so very proud of are coming.

Cry, applaud yourself, step outside and feel the beauty of the day!

I’ll applaud myself right now: This time next week, I will finish my masters degree with 100% A’s across the board. (me to me: you go girl!! Yes!) I was told that I was taking too many courses at once, asked if I was that I could handle it (by my advisors), basically told no, I experienced losses, become a researching expert, took on international project management and psychology of personal growth (in addition to my program, for fun), literally pulled out my hair, broke down, watched as several doors closed in my face and much more.

I’ll tell you this one thing is true: it was all for my good! I am graduating two quarters early, made the President’s list back-to-back, educated youth, gone from domestic violence survivor to warrior to thriving conqueror, started and created success while giving you readers holistic guidance via MY blog, empowered (and still am empowering) the fabulous BTSADV team of leaders, all while making myself, my family, and my ancestors proud.
#youcanttellmeno #thankyoulord #imworthy

Believing is the short-term equivalent to achieving!

Your turn! You are a way-maker! Say all that you’ve overcome, dance a little jig, shout out loud about how much you’ve accomplished… I’m cheerleading in the background!!! Woohoo!!!! You are worthy and so accomplished!!!

God (or who/whatever you believe in) has blessed you so much! The Universe has granted you so many things to be thankful for.

Keep going! Always reach for the next level up! Literally nothing and no one (except you) can stop you!

Empowerment means that you take the seeds from your mental garden and plant them into someone else’s new garden, teach them the importance of watering that seed and giving it love, and allowing them to grow in understanding, truth, knowledge, and wisdom.

You Are Amazing, Talented, Beautiful, Intelligent, Special, And Have The Ability To Do Anything You Want To Do!

You Are Enough!

Nothing Can Stop You!

I’m Proud of You!

Keep Fighting, This Is Your Time!

Make An Impact!

You Are Phenomenal!

Never Stop Chasing Your Highest Dreams!

I Believe In You!

Tell Your Naysayers #YouCantTellMeNo

Happy International Women’s Day!!!

P.S. Listen To India Arie’s Song “Worthy” & Consider That My Gift To You Today.

Be Blessed And Be At Peace.

100% of  women can go from being empowered to becoming empowering! Use your gifts and talents to bless someone else, starting NOW!

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